Online, duration: 3 hours

Working language
Russian and English with simultaneous translation

Live broadcast on YouTube
The Outlook Conference, a key event in the 2020 calendar, will be devoted to the potential of the Russian agricultural sector in the context of global trends. The Conference will provide a multi-sectoral platform for discussing both medium-term market projections and new challenges arising within global food systems in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) and the preparation of UN Food Systems Summit 2021 convened by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
In recent years Russian agriculture has been actively integrating into the world economy. In this regard, there is growing interest inside the country towards supply and demand and trade-related trends, and price movements in global agricultural markets. The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook presentation in Russia will help increase its practical value not just for academia and policy-makers, but for the Russian private sector too, considering especially its more active use of statistical and forecast data in developing strategies addressing global trends. The event will bring together a wide range of participants interested in current and medium-term trends in the industry: regulators and administrative authorities, business community, market analysts, research organizations, and business media.
The Conference is organized with the support of:
The Conference is co-hosted by:
Dr. Eugenia Serova, Director, Institute for Agrarian Studies, Higher School of Economics
/20 min/
Opening remarks
- Ms. Oksana Lut, Deputy Minister for Agriculture of the Russian Federation
- Mr. Oleg Kobiakov, Director, FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation
/30 min/
Major Trends in Global Agricultural Markets Development in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Dr. Maximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist, FAO
/20 min/
International agricultural trade in the coming decade: Implications for policy
Dr. Lee Ann Jackson, Head of the Agro-food Trade and Markets Division, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD
/15 min/
China as Key Destination of in Russia’s Agricultural Exports
- Mr. Dmitry Krasnov, Head, Federal Center for the Promotion of Agricultural Commodities Export (AgroExport)
/15 min/
Role of Trade in Ensuring Food Security of the Russian Federation
- Mr. Anton Tsvetov, Deputy Director of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects Department, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
/30 min/
Medium-term production prospects of main agricultural commodities
- Dr. Holger Matthey, Senior Economist, EST, FAO
/40 min/
Development of Russian Food Markets in the Context of Global Trends
- Mr. Arkadiy Zlochevskiy, President, Russian Grain Union
- Mr. Mikhail Maltsev, Executive Director, Fat-and-Oil Union of Russia
- Mr. Andrey Bodin, Chairman of the Board, Union of Sugar Producers of Russia
- Mr. Nikolay Birulin, Chief Expert on Market Analysis and Forecasting, National Pig Producers Union of Russia
- Mr. Artem Belov, Head, National Union of Milk Producers
- Ms. Galina Bobyleva, General Director, Russian Poultry Union
/10 min/
Closing Remarks
- Mr. Oleg Kobiakov, Director, FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation
- Dr. Eugenia Serova, Director, Institute for Agrarian Studies, Higher School of Economics
For additional information please call:
- +(495) 772 95 90 доб. 27942
Institute for Agrarian Studies of HSE University
- +7 (495) 787 21 14
FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation