International Innovations Forum in the Agrarian Sector "Agrotech-2019. Steps beyond the horizont"
The Forum “Agrotech-2019. Steps beyond the horizont” will provide the platform for representatives of the business, public ministries and authorities, private capital funds, scientific community for discussion of necessary steps for acceleration of innovative development of agriculture in Russia.
The world agrarian sector will be defined in the short-term period by the need of its transition to the principles of sustainable, "clever" development. This trend assumes the significant growth of resources use efficiency, their preservation. Where it is possible, improvements and increases, cardinal change of an environmental pressure of the sector. All this is unreal in the frame of the current technologies and way of taking management decisions. Innovations in agriculture becomes an imperative for the future development.
This challenge is also complicated because there is a noticeable gap between the modern agrarian science and education for the last decades in Russia, if to compare with the most advanced countries, the main competitors in the world food and agricultural markets.
The Russian Government approved the Federal Scientific and Technical Program of development of agriculture (FSTP) for 2017 - 2025 that assumes technological breakthroughs for the critical areas in agriculture, financing and support measures. However, innovative development cannot be based only on the state efforts.
The innovations are the contribution of science, private business, investment of the large companies and venture funds into technologies all around the world. If you want to compete on the market, you should be innovative.
The following problems will be discussed:
- World trends in agricultural innovations
- The Russian best practice cases in agriculture
- State policy measures for acceleration of the innovations projects in Russia
The main discussions panels:
- Bioengineering and genetics
- New chemistry and the combined methods of protection of plants
- Digital revolution in agriculture
- Engineering and robotization
Contact person on participation in the Forum:
Nadezhda V. Orlova, Head of Department of Economics of Innovations in Agriculture, Institute of Agrarian Researches, e-mail:, mob. +7 903-147-99-29